# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jan 23 09:47:26 2019
@author: Artem Los
import xml.etree.ElementTree
import json
import base64
import datetime
import copy
import time
from licensing.internal import HelperMethods
[docs]class ActivatedMachine:
def __init__(self, IP, Mid, Time, FriendlyName="", FloatingExpires = ""):
self.IP = IP
self.Mid = Mid
# TODO: check if time is int, and convert to datetime in this case.
self.Time = Time
self.FriendlyName = FriendlyName
self.FloatingExpires = FloatingExpires
class Reseller:
Information about the reseller.
def __init__(self, Id, InviteId, ResellerUserId, Created, Name, Url, Email, Phone, Description):
self.Id = Id
self.InviteId = InviteId
self.ResellerUserId = ResellerUserId
self.Created = Created
self.Name = Name
self.Url = Url
self.Email = Email
self.Phone = Phone
self.Description = Description
[docs]class LicenseKey:
def __init__(self, ProductId, ID, Key, Created, Expires, Period, F1, F2,\
F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, Notes, Block, GlobalId, Customer, \
ActivatedMachines, TrialActivation, MaxNoOfMachines, \
AllowedMachines, DataObjects, SignDate, Reseller, RawResponse):
self.product_id = ProductId
self.id = ID
self.key = Key
self.created = Created
self.expires = Expires
self.period = Period
self.f1 = F1
self.f2 = F2
self.f3 = F3
self.f4 = F4
self.f5 = F5
self.f6 = F6
self.f7 = F7
self.f8 = F8
self.notes = Notes
self.block = Block
self.global_id = GlobalId
self.customer = Customer
self.activated_machines = ActivatedMachines
self.trial_activation = TrialActivation
self.max_no_of_machines = MaxNoOfMachines
self.allowed_machines = AllowedMachines
self.data_objects = DataObjects
self.sign_date = SignDate
self.reseller = Reseller
self.raw_response = RawResponse
def from_response(response):
if response.result == 1:
raise ValueError("The response did not contain any license key object since it was unsuccessful. Message '{0}'.".format(response.message))
obj = json.loads(base64.b64decode(response.license_key).decode('utf-8'))
reseller = None
if "Reseller" in obj and obj["Reseller"] != None:
reseller = Reseller(**obj["Reseller"])
raise ValueError("The expiration date cannot be converted to a datetime object. Please try setting the period to a lower value. Read more: https://github.com/Cryptolens/cryptolens-python/tree/master#the-expiration-date-cannot-be-converted-to-a-datetime-object-please-try-setting-the-period-to-a-lower-value")
return LicenseKey(obj["ProductId"], obj["ID"], obj["Key"], datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(obj["Created"]),\
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(obj["Expires"]), obj["Period"], obj["F1"], obj["F2"], \
obj["F3"], obj["F4"],obj["F5"],obj["F6"], obj["F7"], \
obj["F8"], obj["Notes"], obj["Block"], obj["GlobalId"],\
obj["Customer"], LicenseKey.__load_activated_machines(obj["ActivatedMachines"]), obj["TrialActivation"], \
obj["MaxNoOfMachines"], obj["AllowedMachines"], obj["DataObjects"], \
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(obj["SignDate"]),reseller, response)
[docs] def save_as_string(self):
Save the license as a string that can later be read by load_from_string.
res = copy.copy(self.raw_response.__dict__)
res["licenseKey"] = res["license_key"]
res.pop("license_key", None)
return json.dumps(res)
[docs] @staticmethod
def load_from_string(rsa_pub_key, string, signature_expiration_interval = -1):
Loads a license from a string generated by save_as_string.
Note: if an error occurs, None will be returned. An error can occur
if the license string has been tampered with or if the public key is
incorrectly formatted.
:param signature_expiration_interval: If the license key was signed,
this method will check so that no more than "signatureExpirationInterval"
days have passed since the last activation.
response = Response("","","","")
response = Response.from_string(string)
except Exception as ex:
return None
if response.result == "1":
return None
pubKey = RSAPublicKey.from_string(rsa_pub_key)
if HelperMethods.verify_signature(response, pubKey):
licenseKey = LicenseKey.from_response(response)
if signature_expiration_interval > 0 and \
(licenseKey.sign_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1*signature_expiration_interval) < datetime.datetime.utcnow()):
return None
return licenseKey
return None
except Exception:
return None
def __load_activated_machines(obj):
if obj == None:
return None
arr = []
for item in obj:
return arr
[docs]class Response:
def __init__(self, license_key, signature, result, message, metadata=None):
self.license_key = license_key
self.signature = signature
self.result = result
self.message = message
self.metadata = metadata
def from_string(responseString):
obj = dict((k.lower(),v) for k,v in json.loads(responseString).items())
licenseKey = ""
signature = ""
result = 0
message = ""
metadata = None
if "licensekey" in obj:
licenseKey = obj["licensekey"]
if "signature" in obj:
signature = obj["signature"]
if "message" in obj:
message = obj["message"]
if "result" in obj:
result = obj["result"]
result = 1
if "metadata" in obj:
metadata = obj["metadata"]
return Response(licenseKey, signature, result, message, metadata)
class RSAPublicKey:
def __init__(self, modulus, exponent):
self.modulus = modulus
self.exponent = exponent
def from_string(rsaPubKeyString):
The rsaPubKeyString can be found at https://app.cryptolens.io/User/Security.
It should be of the following format:
rsaKey = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(rsaPubKeyString)
return RSAPublicKey(rsaKey.find('Modulus').text, rsaKey.find('Exponent').text)