Integration with FastSpring


FastSpring allows you to easily setup an online store where you can sell your products and subscriptions. By combining it with Cryptolens, you can use FastSpring as the payment processor and Cryptolens as the software licensing backend. Currently, the integration supports one-time payments.


Visit your FastSpring dashboard and create or select an existing product:

Once you are on the product page, click on Add New Fulfillment.

Next, select Generate a License and then in the dropdown, select Remote Server Request.

On the next page, we need to change the URL to

and make sure that Output Format is set to Single-Line License (Quantity Based).

When you click create, please click on Parameters in the menu bar as shown below:

On that page, you can provide additional parameters that should be sent to the CreateKey method. You always need to provide a token and a ProductId. To customize the license key, you can use other parameters that CreateKey method accepts. For example, if you want to create a license key that has F1 enabled, the setup in FastSpring would look like the one below:

The token needs to have CreateKey permission and can be created here.

Upon a successful purchase, FastSpring will also send additional information related to the transaction, such as customer email, product id etc. You can capture these parameters so that this information is stored together with the license key. One such parameter that is particularly important to setup is Quantity. There are at least two ways it can be interpreted from a licensing context. Either, you can use it to create a certain amount of unique licenses. Another way is to create one license and set MaxNoOfMachines to the Quantity.

For example, if you want create the same number of licenses as the Quantity, you can change the variable name as shown below.

If you instead want to create one license but restrict it to the same number of machines as the quantity, you can rename it to MaxNoOfMachines.

Using a script instead of calling the Url

It is possible to use select to use a JavaScript script as a fulfillment option instead of calling the API directly. One advantage of such approach is that you can customize the license key that is issued further, for example, by adding data objects.

In the script below, we are first creating a license that will be valid for 90 days and then add two data objects to it.

var responseKey = httpPost("", 
{ "token": "Token with CreateKey permission",
"ProductId" : "123", "F1":"true", "Period" : "90" } );

var license = JSON.parse(responseKey.body)["key"];

var responseDO = httpPost("", 
{ "token": "Token with AddDataObject permission",
"ProductId" : "123", "Key": license, "name" :  "testfield1", "IntValue" : "50", "StringValue": "50" } );

var responseDO2 = httpPost("", 
{ "token": "Token with AddDataObject permission",
"ProductId" : "123", "Key": license, "name" :  "testfield2", "IntValue" : "50", "StringValue": "50" } );
