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Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.AddDataObjectToKeyModel
The name of the data object.
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.AddDataObjectToMachineCodeModel
The name of the data object.
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.Customer
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.DataObject
The name of the data object (max 10 chars).
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.DecrementIntValueToKeyModel
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.DecrementIntValueToMachineCodeModel
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.FeatureDefinition
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.IncrementIntValueToKeyModel
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.IncrementIntValueToMachineCodeModel
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.Product
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.RemoveDataObjectToKeyModel
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.RemoveDataObjectToMachineCodeModel
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.Reseller
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.SetIntValueToKeyModel
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.SetIntValueToMachineCodeModel
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.SetStringValueToKeyModel
Name - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.SetStringValueToMachineCodeModel
Notes - Variable in class io.cryptolens.models.LicenseKey
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