Key Verification

In this example, our aim is to quickly implement the basic licensing functionality into your application.

Please make sure to add the client API for your language, as described in this tutorial.

If you would experience any issues, please check common errors section.


It is quite easy to verify a license. This can be done with the code snippet below. In order to make it work, you need to change three parameters:

  • RSAPubKey - you can find this key on this page, by going to the API Keys section.
  • Access Token - you can find this key on this page, by going to the API Keys section.
  • ProductId - you can find it on the product page, which you can find more about here.

For production use cases, it is better to create a specific access token as described here.

The code below should be included whenever you want to verify a license key, which normally occurs during app start (eg. Form_Load for desktop apps). In addition, you can invoke it whenever a user updates the license key. In some licensing models, this check needs to be called periodically.

Adding namespaces

In C#

To get the C# code to work, please install Cryptolens.Licensing package from NuGet. If your application will run on multiple platforms, please install Cryptolens.Licensing.CrossPlatform instead (see this tutorial).

using SKM.V3;
using SKM.V3.Methods;
using SKM.V3.Models;

The code to verify a license key is available here.


To get the VB.NET code to work, please install Cryptolens.Licensing package from NuGet. If your application will run on multiple platforms, please install Cryptolens.Licensing.CrossPlatform instead (see this tutorial).

Imports SKM.V3
Imports SKM.V3.Methods
Imports SKM.V3.Models

The code to verify a license key is available here.

In Python

Python 3

To get the Python code to work, you need to run pip install licensing first.

from licensing.models import *
from licensing.methods import Key, Helpers
Python 2

Python 2 library is currently contained in a single file, You need to download it and place in the same folder where you have the rest of your code. It can then be imported as follows:

from cryptolens_python2 import *

The code to verify a license key is available here.

In Java

To get the Java code to work, you need to reference cryptolens.jar available here.

import io.cryptolens.methods.*;
import io.cryptolens.models.*;

The code to verify a license key is available here.

In C++

Please read through the following instructions on how to obtain the client library.

#include <iostream>

#include <curl/curl.h>

#include <cryptolens/core.hpp>
#include <cryptolens/Error.hpp>
#include <cryptolens/RequestHandler_curl.hpp>
#include <cryptolens/SignatureVerifier_OpenSSL.hpp>

namespace cryptolens = ::cryptolens_io::v20180502;
using Cryptolens = cryptolens::basic_SKM<cryptolens::RequestHandler_curl,cryptolens::SignatureVerifier_OpenSSL>;

The code to verify a license key is available here.

In Golang

import ""

The code to verify a license key is available here.

In Node.js

const key = require('cryptolens').Key;
const Helpers = require('cryptolens').Helpers;

The code to verify a license key is available here.

Key verification

In C#

var licenseKey = "GEBNC-WZZJD-VJIHG-GCMVD"; // <--  remember to change this to your license key
var RSAPubKey = "enter the RSA Public key here";

var auth = "access token with permission to access the activate method";
var result = Key.Activate(token: auth, parameters: new ActivateModel()
    Key = licenseKey,
    ProductId = 3349,  // <--  remember to change this to your Product Id
    Sign = true,
    MachineCode = Helpers.GetMachineCodePI(v: 2)

if (result == null || result.Result == ResultType.Error ||
    // an error occurred or the key is invalid or it cannot be activated
    // (eg. the limit of activated devices was achieved)
    Console.WriteLine("The license does not work.");
    // everything went fine if we are here!
    Console.WriteLine("The license is valid!");


Note: If your application will run in Unity/Mono, Rhino/Grasshopper or on a platform other than Windows, we recommend to use a different version of Key.Activate.


Dim licenseKey = "GEBNC-WZZJD-VJIHG-GCMVD" ' <--  remember to change this to your license key
Dim RSAPubKey = "enter the RSA Public key here"

Dim auth = "access token with permission to access the activate method"

Dim result = Key.Activate(token:=auth, parameters:=New ActivateModel() With {
                          .Key = licenseKey,
                          .ProductId = 3349, ' <--  remember to change this to your Product Id
                          .Sign = True,
                          .MachineCode = Helpers.GetMachineCodePI(v:=2)

If result Is Nothing OrElse result.Result = ResultType.[Error] OrElse
    Not result.LicenseKey.HasValidSignature(RSAPubKey).IsValid Then
    ' an error occurred or the key is invalid or it cannot be activated
    ' (eg. the limit of activated devices was achieved)
    Console.WriteLine("The license does not work.")

    ' everything went fine if we are here!
    Console.WriteLine("The license is valid!")
End If

In Python

RSAPubKey = "enter the RSA Public key here"
auth = "access token with permission to access the activate method"

result = Key.activate(token=auth,\
                   product_id=3349, \

if result[0] == None or not Helpers.IsOnRightMachine(result[0], v=2):
    # an error occurred or the key is invalid or it cannot be activated
    # (eg. the limit of activated devices was achieved)
    print("The license does not work: {0}".format(result[1]))
    # everything went fine if we are here!
    print("The license is valid!")

Note: The code above assumes that node-locking is enabled. By default, license keys created with Maximum Number of Machines set to zero, which deactivates node-locking. As a result, machines will not be registered and the call to Helpers.IsOnRightMachine(result[0]) will return False. You can read more about this behaviour here. For testing purposes, please feel free to remove Helpers.IsOnRightMachine(result[0]) from the if statement.

In Java

String RSAPubKey = "enter the RSA Public key here";
String auth = "access token with permission to access the activate method";

LicenseKey license = Key.Activate(auth, RSAPubKey, 
                      new ActivateModel(3349,  // <--  remember to change this to your Product Id
                      "ICVLD-VVSZR-ZTICT-YKGXL", // <--  remember to change this to your license key

if (license == null || !Helpers.IsOnRightMachine(license, 2)) {
    System.out.println("The license does not work.");
} else {

    System.out.println("The license is valid!");
    System.out.println("It will expire: " + license.Expires);

Note: The code above assumes that node-locking is enabled. By default, license keys created with Maximum Number of Machines set to zero, which deactivates node-locking. As a result, machines will not be registered and the call to Helpers.IsOnRightMachine(license) will return False. You can read more about this behaviour here. For testing purposes, please feel free to remove Helpers.IsOnRightMachine(license) from the if statement.

In C++

 * This example uses the basic_SKM class to make a request to the WebAPI
 * and then checks some properties of the license keys.

int main()

  Cryptolens cryptolens_handle;
  cryptolens::Error e;
  // Setting up the signature verifier with credentials from "Security Settings"
  // on
  cryptolens_handle.signature_verifier.set_modulus_base64(e, "khbyu3/vAEBHi339fTuo2nUaQgSTBj0jvpt5xnLTTF35FLkGI+5Z3wiKfnvQiCLf+5s4r8JB/Uic/i6/iNjPMILlFeE0N6XZ+2pkgwRkfMOcx6eoewypTPUoPpzuAINJxJRpHym3V6ZJZ1UfYvzRcQBD/lBeAYrvhpCwukQMkGushKsOS6U+d+2C9ZNeP+U+uwuv/xu8YBCBAgGb8YdNojcGzM4SbCtwvJ0fuOfmCWZvUoiumfE4x7rAhp1pa9OEbUe0a5HL+1v7+JLBgkNZ7Z2biiHaM6za7GjHCXU8rojatEQER+MpgDuQV3ZPx8RKRdiJgPnz9ApBHFYDHLDzDw==");
  cryptolens_handle.signature_verifier.set_exponent_base64(e, "AQAB");

  cryptolens::optional<cryptolens::LicenseKey> license_key =
      ( // Object used for reporting if an error occured
      , // Cryptolens Access Token
      , // Product id
      , // License Key
      , // Machine Code

  if (e) {
    // Error occured trying to activate the license key
    using namespace cryptolens::errors;

    if (e.get_subsystem() == Subsystem::Main) {
      // Handle errors from the Cryptolens API
      std::cout << "Cryptolens error: " << e.get_reason() << std::endl;
    } else if (e.get_subsystem() == Subsystem::RequestHandler && e.get_reason() == RequestHandler_curl::PERFORM) {
      int curlcode = e.get_extra();
      std::cout << "Error connecting to the server: curlcode: " << curlcode << std::endl;
    } else {
      std::cout << "Unhandled error: " << e.get_subsystem() << " " << e.get_reason() << " " << e.get_extra() << std::endl;
    return 1;

  std::cout << "License key for product with id: " << license_key->get_product_id() << std::endl;

  // Use LicenseKeyChecker to check properties of the license key
  if (license_key->check().has_expired(1234567)) {
    std::cout << "Your subscription has expired." << std::endl;
    return 1;

  if (license_key->check().has_feature(1)) { std::cout << "Welcome! Pro version enabled!" << std::endl; }
  else                                     { std::cout << "Welcome!" << std::endl; }


In Golang

token := "access token with permission to access the activate method"
publicKey := "enter the RSA Public key here"

licenseKey, err := cryptolens.KeyActivate(token, cryptolens.KeyActivateArguments{
	ProductId:   3646,
	MachineCode: "289jf2afs3",
if err != nil || !licenseKey.HasValidSignature(publicKey) {
	fmt.Println("License key activation failed!")

In Node.js

var RSAPubKey = "Your RSA Public key, which can be found here:";
var result = key.Activate(token="access token with permission to access the activate method", RSAPubKey, ProductId=3349, Key="GEBNC-WZZJD-VJIHG-GCMVD", MachineCode=Helpers.GetMachineCode());

result.then(function(license) {

    // success
    // Please see for a complete list of parameters.

}).catch(function(error) {
    // in case of an error, an Error object is returned.

Common errors

.NET Core issues

If you plan to target multiple platforms, we recommend to install Cryptolens.Licensing.CrossPlatform.

Helpers.GetMachineCode issues

In some Windows environments (e.g. when developing Excel addins), it might not be feasible to call Helpers.GetMachineCode on .NET Framework 4.6. The reason for this is the call we make to System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform. To fix this, we have added a boolean flag in Helpers class. Before calling Helpers.GetMachineCode or Helpers.IsOnRightMachine, please set Helpers.WindowsOnly=True.

Helpers.WindowsOnly = true;
var machineCode = Helpers.GetMachineCode();

Namespaces missing

This means that Cryptolens.Licensing library was not included into the project. It can be easily added using NuGet packager manager, which you can find by right clicking on the project:

Note, Cryptolens.Licensing has nothing in common with SKGL. There is no need to include SKGL.

Result is null

In most cases, this is because some of the required parameters are missing. These are:

  • RSAPubKey
  • auth
  • ProductId

It can also be that the licenseKey is missing. Please check the beginning of the tutorial on how to find them.

Note, if you have blocked a license key, it will also return a null result.