Rhino 3D / Grashopper


In this article we will cover steps necessary to set up key verifications in your Rhinoceros or Grashopper plugin using Cryptolens.


Client library

By adding the Cryptolens client library, you get access to methods such as Key.Activate that make it easier to verify licenses, and perform other licensing related operations.

The easiest way is to install Cryptolens.Licensing using NuGet. However, based on our tests, Rhino 8 (and potentially other versions of Rhino) do not seem to support this approach. As a workaround, we suggest the steps below that have been tested in Rhino 8.

  1. Download Cryptolens.Licensing.dll from this link.
  2. Extract the folder.
  3. In Solution Explorer in Visual Studio, right click on Dependencies under the name of your project.
  4. Using Browse, select the path to Cryptolens.Licensing.dll located in the netstandard2.0.
  5. Using NuGet, install Newtonsoft.Json vs 13.

Key verification code

Adding key verification code works the same way as described in the key verification tutorial.

If you would encounter any issues or have any other questions, please reach out to our support.